SARA HORWATH in press, publications & awards:

- Aphrodisia 2007 Kunstpreis Wettbewerb, USA (award)

- Augustapresse

- Berliner Woche


- Buchpreis Eroticsignature 2006, USA (award)

- Dr. Sketchy - drawing competition 1.price 09/2012

- Falkenseer Stadtjournal/ Falkensee aktuell

- MAZ - Märkische Allgemeine

- MDR Sachsenspiegel

- Pfingstgeflüster

- Radio 1

- Radio Bremen/TV

- plakatindustrie: company for printing and distribution. SARA HORWATH motifs on metal

   sheet signs available worldwide since 2006, also at shopping house REAL

- rbb Fernsehen

- Tattooguide

- VOGUE u'omo

- Wikipedia -> wikinews


Kunstfaktor: 142 (Stand 2023-09)


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